Saturday, November 10, 2012

Election Day (4 of 9): California volunteers.

That batch of volunteers from California were great.  The guy ran a doggie daycare with his (much younger) girlfriend, and one of the 2 women who accompanied them was a dog trainer who brought her dogs along everywhere, one of which she would make do tricks in front of large groups of people.

"Hey [the dog's name]," she was like.  "What do you think of Paul Ryan's budget?"

And, at that, the dog would put its paws over its face like it was hiding, and everyone would laugh and clap.

Anyways, the other woman they brought with them was saying how when she went out to volunteer earlier, one of the volunteers said he wouldn't vote for Paul Ryan, but that Paul Ryan seemed like a nice guy.

"What do you mean?", she was like.

"Well, he seems like a nice guy," the guy said.

"You know what they call someone who smiles and looks you in the eye and is nice to you but then turns around and makes a budget that harms the elderly, the mentally retarded, and the poor?", she was like.  "A sociopath."

At that, the other volunteer paused, though for a few seconds, and was like, "You know, you're right, he is a sociopath."

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