Tuesday, November 6, 2012


For my one "modern groups that do interesting things with sex" course (not its real title), I made up some lesbian separatist posters that involved a period photo of a topless woman chopping wood with an ax.

I double-checked with my faculty mentor that and another poster before putting them up to make sure I get minimum enrollment, and he said the cartoon breasts on the other poster would be good, and he liked the lesbian separatist poster a lot, but he'd have to check it with someone before hanging, and if they were good, he'd hang them himself.

"You can do whatever you want in the classroom here," he was like, "And I really like that photo, but I don't want you to accidentally get in trouble with the poster, especially since you haven't taught here before."

As he said that, I noticed a black marker on his desk.

"Hey, can I borrow your marker?  I can just marker over her breasts, then we can hang the poster," I was like.

"NO!", he said right away.  "That would be even worse!".

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