Saturday, October 13, 2012


One of my favorite talking points I use to separate older pro-GOP Jewish people from their party is to talk about just how crazy evangelical Christians are...

I did that more in Indiana than Wisconsin, though.

One lady, I remember, said that Palin was pro-Israel.

"Have you read the Book of Revelation?", I was like.  "It's in the Christian Bible."

The woman shook her head, and she said she might have heard of it.

"They love the state of Israel because they think it'll get destroyed in a battle right before Jesus comes back.  Some crazy Christian prophet guy out in the desert wrote something like that 2000 years ago, and that's where their foreign policy comes from."

I then said that sure they might be friends, but for the wrong reasons, and you never know how that would affect things when it really came down to it.

"If there's a nuclear threat, would you really want her finger on the button?", I said, after having said McCain might die and leave Palin in charge.  "They case out devils in her church up their in Alaska, who knows what else is rattling around in her head.  You can never depend on someone like that, they're not thinking about Israel, that's for sure."

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