Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wisc. Volunteering (1 of 2): Elderly White Lady.

This past weekend when I volunteered in Wisconsin, I had a mixed list, with some people being undecided voters, and others being Democrats that I might have to motivate.

At one house, there was a sign for the Dem congressman in the district, but I knocked anyhow, and this elderly (like high 80s!) white lady ("Alice") answered the door.

After my opening spiel, she was like, "Oh, you don't have to worry about us, we vote straight Democrats, but maybe I shouldn't say that so loud, you never know who's listening," and laughed.

I looked at her curiously, and then she told me that on Sunday when she was getting a ride home from (Catholic) church with friends, somehow something came up and she said she was a Democrat, and this stony silence filled the car.

"I realized I was in a car with all Republicans," she was like.  "I really had no idea."

She said that one woman broke the silence.  "I always suspected you were a Democrat," she said.

Then, "words" started, and this other old woman joined in the fray.

"It's fine you're a Democrat," she was like, "But why do you have to be so hot about it?"

Then, the old guy who was driving had to jump in, and was like, "Well, I don't think that way, but she can think whatever which she wants."

"Oh," Alice was like, "I should have gotten out of that car and walked home."

"Why didn't you?", I was like.

"I didn't think of that till later," she was like, and then she added it would have been too far for her to walk anyhow.

I then asked her if she wanted to put up lawn signs for other Democrats, and she kind of winced a bit.

"That okay," I was like, and thanked her.  "One's great, too many and your lawn looks like a used car lot."

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