Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Too Much Drinking: Curry-Whiskey Vomit on Public Transportation.

Like a week ago we had our big grad student mixer, and between drinking and Thai food at that then more drinking at the student bar, I ended up vomiting up a big heap of orange curry-color vomit all over the subway like 2 stops from home when all of a sudden my stomach got upset...

At the event, they were out of curry, so like 3 times I got sticky rice and threw it in the catering tray and mopped up the curry on that, and ate 3 huge bowls of that, then had some beer and later had 3 whiskeys at the bar.  That curry and whiskey didn't sit well around 11pm, even an hour after I had stopped drinking, and I suddenly started gagging between stops, otherwise I would have dashed out and vomited on the platform, and into a garbage can if I could.

I was really embarrassed and texted a few close friends the next day, to see if it had ever happened to them, where they threw up on public transportation.

My one Czech literature professor friend said she hadn't, and none of the 3 people she was with right then had either.

This one really kind of insane, heavy-drinking, recently-graduated Ph.D. student said he hadn't either, though he had seen it happen a few times, and my one (light-skinned black) friend from Arkansas said the same thing.

A few nights later, I was out celebrating with my one (Asian-Canadian) friend because he had just passed prelims, and we gelled with the waitress, this late 30s punk woman with dyed blonde hair who had a nursing degree but ended up hating it and went back to bartending, and I asked them if they had.

They hadn't.


My one (Asian-Canadian) friend said he's gotten to feeling sick on public transportation before, and it's easy to feel fine when you leave a bar, and forget you have lengthy travel ahead of you in stuffy enclosed air, whereas if you walked home you'd be fine.

The punk woman said a lot of times she's just passed out in her leather jacket and pants, and that had happened to her last week, at which point my one (Asian-Canadian) friend said that during college, a lot of times he'd pass out while undressing, and he'd wake up slumped on the bed with the light on.

Later, I found out that the punk woman loves memoirs, so I gave her recs on 2 Jonestown ones and told her to read "Heaven's Harlots".

On further reflection, I should have gotten her address and sent it to her.

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