Monday, February 13, 2012

Several things.

1) There's this one (Indian) (female) grad student I know, who was raised in the Middle East and then the U.S. by Pentecostal parents, and I always joke with her about how everyone assumes she's Hindu, vegetarian, etc. ... The other day after a talk everyone headed over to the campus bar, and she was wondering aloud whether the sponsoring club would buy good food, "Because if it's just deep-fried appetizers, I might have to get a hamburger."

"I'm done with India," I was like, "Get me a hamburger!"

She laughed.

2) That same student also loves pop music, esp. songs with a good beat you can dance to, but her husband doesn't. She was asking me about some song, and I was like, "You know I don't dance," and she was like, "Neither does [her husband's name]; you guys have the same problem," and then she went on to gently trash (American) (males) with Central European backgrounds, and how they can't let loose.

3) The other morning I was sprinting to get to the subway and the doors were closing just as I was dashing there, but a young (Mexican) guy getting off and walking down the platform made an "open the doors" signal and the engineer re-opened the doors for me. I've never seen anyone do that.

4) There's a (black) cleaning woman at the gym that I always chit-chat with.

For example, once when I was leaving I told her to have a good weekend and asked her if she had any big plans, and she was like, "Getting f-ck-d up," and we both laughed a lot.

The other day, she asked me how I was doing, and I was like, "I just took the biggest shit in the locker room," and she just laughed and was like, "I don't doubt you did," and I laughed really loudly and warned her not to go in there.

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