Sunday, August 22, 2010

Got my haircut again... Tennille.

Like I told her, "Summer hasn't started till Tennille gives me a summer haircut."

Things are going good with her. This past year she got engaged with a Mexican guy she's known from church for like forever and is friends with, and they went to a Chinese circus the other day.

"You should go," she was like, and she started telling me about how it was just human performers, not animals, and how young everyone was.

"Probably because old people couldn't do that," I was like, "That must take a huge toll on your body."

"Oh," she was like, "That makes a lot of sense. And here I was thinking that they get the young people up there because they can pay them less."

Then, she was like, "Me and my brain, we have a lot of fun there in my head sometimes," and laughed.

I also was telling her about how my friend was dating a Mexican and he took his shirt off and whirled it around his head at the local soccer match, and she said her fiance probably wouldn't do that, but he'd definitely yell at the team in Spanish; he's very much a sports person and always has to be outside, whereas she's fine to sit inside all day and turn on the radio and pour a glass of wine and read a book.

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