Friday, August 27, 2010

Lessons from my half-English half-African friend.

The other weekend me and my half-English half-African friend hung out downtown, and he jaywalked an appalling amount and kept almost getting hit by cars, and I kept warning him that he should look out and be careful.

"People always tell me that," he was like, "But last time someone told me, they used a quite different argument, that I shouldn't jaywalk because there could be children watching. And you know what I said?

"First, I said that children should learn at an early age that rules can and quite frequently should be broken.

"Second, I said that children should learn that they shouldn't go around imitating every fool thing they see.

"Lastly, I said that children should learn that they can learn just as much from observing people doing bad things as doing good things, and that the sooner they learn that the better..."


Anonymous said...

Or children might be watching when he gets splattered by a car. That could be very off putting to a child.

JUSIPER said...

Well put.