Monday, August 23, 2010

Back in the (Black) Neighborhood Bar.

So, the other day when I was down at the university, I stopped through the (black) neighborhood bar.

Like my one hippie friend from Michigan requested - she moved home a few months ago - I gave my love to the bartender and hi to people I knew she knew.

I ran into this one older (black) woman ("Cecille"), and we started talking music, and I asked her for her opinion on the best song of the past decade, and after saying that that was a hard question and asking which genre and deliberating a while, she said it was Michael Jackson's "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough", because -

1) People from every culture everywhere know it.

2) No one can listen to it without dancing.

For her, I think the song is so alive that it seems like it's from this decade.

She also ran into her friend, and after talking a bit, the (black) woman friend ("Karen") was like, "I know you, we played that one gamebook of yours at [the student bar] a few months ago!", and I realized it was this woman who had joined me and my professor friend and ended up solving this really difficult puzzle we couldn't get where corporate logos were taken and had one letter removed and then rearranged to spell a new word, and she realized that the distinctive writing of "TRAITOR" could be rearranged to spell "MARRIOTT", which we hadn't realized since the most distinctive letter, the M, had been removed.

I then said that I actually had a new issue of that very same puzzle magazine with me because later that night I was going to the student bar to play Solitaire Hangman with my one professor friend, so I ended up pulling it out to show them that puzzle and we did the first word...

Karen finally got it, it was "HEXAGONAL", which she said as "hex-uh-gohn-uhl", which I found very cool - I say words wrong all the time that I've only ever read (worst was probably "synecdoche," which I said as "sin-eck-dosh"), and I find it very cute in others.

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