Saturday, August 21, 2010

Forgotten story from Latin (2 of 2): Ham hock.

I forgot -

One night in Milwaukee I met some college friends at a local German restaurant...

We were the youngest people there by far, though every table was full; my friends noted that though people our age go to Italian restaurants etc. with the same price range, German food is an older person thing.

For an appetizer, we got this cheese-beer-sauerkraut dip you could put on toasted bread slices.

For the entrees, they each got roasted pork chops, and I got this ham hock thing that they boil then bake then flash-fry so the skin is nice and crispy.. It came on the bone and was about 2/3 the size of a loaf of Wonder Bread or a little bit bigger, and it was very tasty...

After I ate the whole top part, though, I turned it over, and it wasn't just fat and bone like I expected, but a whole nother hunk of meat.

"Look, he found another meal," my one friend was like.

After the meal - I ate the whole thing - I got short of breath walking up the stairs to the restaurant's bathroom (which was on the 2nd story).

Also, when we left, I noticed that my full stomach had distended my diaphragm upwards, so my polo shirt hung off there like a tent, and it hadn't been that way earlier in the evening.

When I met people from the Latin program later that evening, they all felt how hard and full my belly was.


Anonymous said...

It feels wrong just asking but which ones exactly in the Latin class felt "how hard and fully" your belly was?...:)

Anonymous said...

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