Thursday, February 18, 2010


I forgot -

The other night when I was drinking with my one (white) friend from Mississippi, he was mentioning something about the Greek curriculum for his class he's teaching (he's teaching intro Greek), and then I mentioned that a student had had a question about Greek from some class he was taking after the lecture that morning for the class I'm TAing, and he came up to ask me and the other TAs about it.

"What was his problem?", he was like, and with that I took up a pencil and wrote down from memory the sentence on the first page of this book I had out and was reading before my friend got to the bar (=a 25-cent copy of Helen Gurley Brown's "Sex and the Single Girl" with no cover I had gotten at a booksale), and then I showed it to him and asked his opinion.

First, though, I paused and was like, "Look at how pretentious I just was," and my friend said that at least I didn't try to put all the right accent markings on, which I took as a challenge, and so I tried that.

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