Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Almost fainted.

Today I almost fainted at the Wed. lunch-lecture thing.

The speaker was a psych prof who has researched the phenomenon people who give their kidneys to strangers, and as part of his PowerPoint presentation - while everyone was eating! - he had a picture from surgery or a doctor holding a human kidney in their hand, this brown thing with a little tube dangling from it.

I automatically felt a little queasy, so I slid down in my chair to keep blood from rushing away from my head.

I also tried to get my mind off it by taking whatever word he'd be saying at the time and spelling it backwards in my head until I was done, and then spell backwards the next word I heard him say, and that worked for a while, but when I stopped, I started getting queasy again.

The room was really warm, so I took off my sweater and my collared shirt, and was just there in my t-shirt, but by then I was too far gone, so after like 30 seconds, I got up to leave, and I went outside and sat on a step in the cold, till I felt better.

Then, I went downstairs in the building to check email, and when it seemed like it was time for the lecture to be over, I went back in and grabbed my stuff.


JUSIPER said...

The psych professor might have gotten queasy and fainted if he'd read about your lumps of snot.

A said...

One thing about being in public health is that after a while, you forget that diarrheal disease is not seen in the rest of society as an appropriate lunch seminar topic.