Sunday, February 21, 2010

3 projects: 2 languages, 1 quilt.

1) I've picked up some Spanish phrasebooks so I can engage Mexicans in ordering tacos.

The other night, I was out with friends at a Mexican place, and I was like -

Quero una torta con carne asada, por favor -

and the waitress asked me (in Spanish) if I wanted everything, so I was like -

Si, con los todos -

and then she with a smile corrected me and said it was either "el todo" or "todo" (I think it was just "todo").

Then, since I was so nervous that I forgot half my order, I was like -

y una diet coca-cola tambien, por favor! -

and she gently corrected me again, to say "una coca-cola dieta".

2) On the 14th when I went into the French bakery near my (current) apartment, I greeted the owner - this short monolingual French woman who is kind of fat and wears black and a black hat and little rubber boots all the time, and talks with customers while her tall, thin, overworked (French) husband slaves away in the kitchen - with -

Bonjour, ma valentine! -

and she laughed good-naturedly at that, because she thought my joke was cute.

3) My mom is helping to repair a quilt for her co-worker at the library in my hometown - the woman never quilted before, and she messed up the pattern some, and then her the distances between her stitching was all over the place, and I think some other things were wrong as well - and so my mom took on the salvage project (the woman put a ton of time into it) and finally finished it for her like this past week...

"[the woman's name]," she was like, "Box it up and ship it to the Vatican, because they need to declare it a miracle."


Anonymous said...

Didn't your other Mom fix Linda's quilt too??

Anonymous said...

El Blogador's mom is very talented in correcting wannabe quilters' mistakes. That quilt doesn't need to go to the vatican to be declared a miracle. It has already passed through the hands of a very talented angel.