Thursday, October 4, 2007

A dream, silverfish -- though not a dream of silverfish.

No silverfish the past few days when I came into the Danish Haven and dashed across the tasteful natural-fiber IKEA rug to tap on the upright soft-lighting crepe-paper lamp, though when I got into the shower yesterday, a 2-inch silverfish skittered out from behind the curtain and across the bottom of the tub. I got my house sandal out and whacked it with my hands. Afterwards I again wiped it off from my sandal with toilet paper, which again sunk quickly to the bottom of the bowl. As a test, I put in a piece of toilet paper (it floated), and then a piece of toilet paper which I had wiped against the tile near to where I squashed the silverfish (it floated briefly, then slowly drifted to the bottom of the bowl).

At night I dreamed I was in the passenger's seat of a car from the 70s with a leather interior that smelled like cigarette smoke, and the Judy Collins song "Someday Soon" was just coming on the radio and I was telling the driver how great it was, but they clicked off the radio before the song reached the chorus.

And then I woke up.

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