Saturday, January 23, 2010

Subway ride.

The other nights I went out for drinks with the Catalan dude and some other people in a different neighborhood - he has a heavy accent, and was telling me about his one French girlfriend was crazy and a "nee-fo-mah-NEE-yahk" - and then I was starting to fade, so I took public transport home.

At one interchange, they were down to one track on the subway, and they were cleaning the tracks with some machinery, and I watched them.

And, one stop before mine, this younger (black) guy flies through the car and goes pounds on the door to the conductor, and the conductor stops the train and makes a call and goes back... It turns out that there was a guy and his girlfriend on the train having an argument, and she left to go get off, and he tried to stop her by yelling, and when that didn't happen, he started "beating on her", and by that time the doors were closed and the train was going on to the next stop.

As soon as the conductor got back there, the guy ran off, and the girl (who looked drunk) was staggering away crying.

"I can't believe that shit," this one younger (black) guy was saying to another younger (black) guy. "So many good guys don't have women, and that asshole treats her like that."

"Yeah," the other younger (black) guy was like. "But he'll get what's coming to him, if he's an asshole like that."

After I got off the train, at the bus-stop, I was talking to the other guy at the stop - this older (black) guy who was an after-hours cleaner at a bank near my apartment. We talked about public transportation, and Haiti.

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