Thursday, December 17, 2009

Story from that one Catalan guy I know.

So, this weekend when I was hanging out with some people after going to see a professional basketball game (we got half-price tix), we headed out after the game to get a beer at a local bar, and for some reason that one Catalan guy I know was reminiscing about his childhood in a small village in the Pyrenees (sp.?).

As he told it, him and his one childhood friend used to enjoy stealing candy from this one toy/candy shop run by an old Catalan guy, and he would go up and ask the man about toys that didn't exist, while his friend would steal the candy.

"Do you have like, you know, those frogs that sing?", he said he remembered asking once.

Another time, he was like, "Do you have, you know, like a twig, only you put it in water, and it grows downwards?".

He said the guy was really old and didn't understand children's toys nowadays, so he would always shake his head and be like, "No no no, I don't have that here, you have to go to Barcelona for that."

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