Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Also worked up - the Belgian!

The night of the Supreme Court decision I was going to the student bar to have a drink and see if I ran into people, and on the way there I ran into my Belgian friend.

"Hey," I was like, "How are you?"

He said something, and when he asked in response, I was like, "To tell you the truth, I'm really upset over health care and now this Supreme Court decision."

At that, he confessed that he was too. I hadn't known it, but he's planned for like forever to stay here in the U.S. after he finishes his degree, and he wants to become a citizen.

"I really have no plans to return to Belgium," he was like.

He then added affably that why should anyone care about Belgium, it's nice enough but it's so small, but to be a U.S. citizen, any vote you make affects millions of citizens.

He then also added that he's bothered by how people get caught up in parallel streams of news and accept lies about ObamaCare and how much money this will cost, when it will actually save money in the long run.

"I just don't understand why people don't look at other countries and see how well this works," he said, and added that he had been hoping that this recent economic downturn would lead to a worldwide revival of socialism, but he doesn't think it lasted long enough.

And, after we finished - he was heading home to take weight off his feet, he hurt his foot lately - he said, "And I will definitely open a bottle of wine now, I need a glass after talking politics."

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