Monday, January 11, 2010


So, for my birthday I met a couple friends at the local student bar. It was a pleasant few hours of leisurely conversation, but my favorite part was running into the Belgian student I know, who was out with other Classics students, who tend to be clique-y and odd and unvulgar, except the international ones.

Anyhow, after chatting a bit, the one German student at the table said that over Christmas he had seen a student from my department who was studying in Germany for the year, and that he was enjoying himself.

So, since this guy from my department is very young - he looks kind of like Harry Potter, and likes candy, and comes off more of a pre-adolescent boy than an adult - I was like, "You bet he is, he must be watching shit porn every night."

At that, the German guy laughed politely, and also a little knowingly, and so I was like, "Yeah, it's part of the citizenship curriculum in Germany - in elementary school, the kids all get together and watch shit porn that the teacher puts on a television. Train them from a young age, is what they do."

At that, all the Classics people looked at me askance, but then my Belgian friend was like, "Yes, that, and then they study Goethe. The shit porn is a propaideutic."

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