Thursday, October 22, 2009

"A good tired".

I ran into one of the Spanish graduate students I know the other week after I had stayed out on a Wednesday (Thursday?) till 3am bar-hopping after martinis with a friend who was visiting town.

Anyhow, the Spanish guy asked me how I was doing, and I said that I was tired, and when he asked why and I told him, he said very affably and matter-of-factly, "There's a good tired and a bad tired, and that's a good tired."

I love how the Spanish approve of partying. It's very endearing, culturally.


JUSIPER said...

I am glad to see some pride in your cultural heritage.

Anonymous said...

are you drinking gin or vodka martinis?

el blogador said...

Gin, and vodka when I forget to specify and they give me vodka. I dislike complaining at restaurants, except when I'm treated really badly.