Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The other day when they shut water off to deal with water pressure problems since they were booting up the steam heat for winter, my faucet (which was already kind of broken and my landlords weren't fixing it; you had to slam the top down to get it to fully shut off, and even then sometimes it would rip) got royally fucked, and it wouldn't turn on pressure-wise, so I called in the (Croatian) janitor, who's the brother of the wife in the (Croatian) husband-and-wife landlord team who run by building.

As it turns out, the (Croatian) plumber was still there, and he came and scraped some accumulated mineral deposits out of the nozzle of the faucets in my kitchen and bathroom, and told the (Croatian) janitor he should fix my faucet, which he did the next morning.

As it turns out, my faucet now turns on so easily, and I have to use such little force, that I sometimes jerk on it too hard.

Also, I asked the (Croatian) plumber if he was related to anyone. It turns out he wasn't.

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