Thursday, August 27, 2009

Troubles at my godmother's house.

I was in the basement of my godmother's house laying out some clothes -- me and my brother were sleeping in the basement on this trip to see everyone -- and I see this dark shadow scurry around and settle by the corner of this dusty giftbox that for some reason was standing behind an armchair down there, and when I look closer, it's a big silverfish, so I took my sandal and tried to bash it, and I missed, but it started running across the (white) carpet and I bashed it there, and rubbed it into the weave a bit since it was making all these mangled fucked-up motions and wasn't fully dead after the first smack.

Also, when I woke up in the morning last week and went in the bathroom at like 5:30am to wash my face before putting on some coffee and heading out to take the morning train home, there was a big silverfish scurrying over the edge of the bathtub, and I killed it there, and then I looked in the tub and there was another big one just sitting there, and I killed it too.


JUSIPER said...

I wish the silverfish would leave you alone, just so we wouldn't have to read about them.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a silverfish conspiracy. they are out to get you.

el blogador said...

They're everywhere.