Saturday, August 29, 2009

Conversation with a mad (black) woman.

The bus back home on Mon. stopped at this rest-stop/convenience store/Hardee's for a 20 minute bathroom/food break, and after coming out of the restroom, I went outside to go sit on some benches near where the bus was parked, and since on one bench there was this huge (black) lady sitting and the other was empty, I sat down next to the (black) lady and asked her how she was doing, and as it turns out, she was coming back from her 1st visit to Dee-troit, and she was pissed.

"We didn't do nothin' but stay in that damn hotel room and play cards!", she was like. "I wanted to go out and see the city, we can play cards at home, but no, we play cards, and my other sister, she man crazy, she just sit there and wait for the men to text her and then go and show off her text she got."

She also added she wanted to go out and window-shop and try new restaurants, but all they did was go to the McDonald's in the basement of the Marriott.

"But I got a present for my grandson," she was like.

"Oh," I was like, "Like candy or a t-shirt or something?"

"No candy," she was like, "Lord that chile is fat, and he say, 'Gramma, I'm not gonna get big like you,' and I say, 'Honey, look around, you already there, the only place you gonna go is fatter.'"

After that, she was saying how she did finally make it to the casinos, which is where she had been wanting to go, and she liked it, and she would like to go back to visit again sometime, but she won't go with her sisters, and only on a weekend when her one friend there isn't working and can show her around.

1 comment:

JUSIPER said...

You should thank her sisters for making her angry enough to tell you all these stories.