Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2 Addendums.

I got the actual concluding prayer from "Medjugorje Up Close":

Mary, the Mother of Jesus. We thank you, Mary, here now, at the end of this book that we wanted to write for you. Thank you, our Mother, for the graces you have helped us to receive and to have from your Son, Jesus. Thank you for the book, so much more your gift to us than ours to you. Pray for us and for those who read this bookk, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Lucy Rooney, S.N.D.
Robert Faricy, S.J.
May 1986

Also, in thinking back to my calling my landlord to tell her about that girl at the end of the hall who had loud people over at 4:30am, I had all sorts of self-conscious editing on race stuff since she 's black... I made sure to identify her by apartment number rather than say shit like "that one black girl who lives at the end of the hallway", and I just said her friends were loud, rather than say they were "hooting and hollering" or something racially-tinged like that.

Though, I am proud to say that when I've called the cops a couple times about that one weird guy who parks his van outside my window with the radio on so loud that I can hear it throw my closed windows and his closed van windows, that I can say it's "an old white dude" - to think that I live in an urban community and that it's the white people's radios I'm complaining about!

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