Tuesday, November 18, 2008

2 E-mails (1 of 2): My neighbor.

From my neighbor, a (white) (female) lawyer and former head of my hometown's county democratic party, in response to an e-mail asking her about her night watching the election results:

I became very emotional.I was a very young child when Brown v Board of
Education was decided and racial integration had just begun. This is
simply wonderful although he will be dealing with horrific financial and
war messes made by Bush and the Republicans. Good for
[your mom] volunteering!
Keep the faith.
[her name]

I remember once she told me about being a campus activist in the early 60s, and how when she was having a confrontational meeting with this one dean and she read him this huge list of demands, at the end of it, she was like, "And what are you going to do about it?", and he was like, "I'm going to wait."

1 comment:

el blogador said...

Then, he leaned back and was like, explanatorily, "You're here for four years, all I have to do is wait, all I have to do is wait."