Monday, June 30, 2008

A story (I of III): Butt.

On Saturday I went to a free Stevie Wonder concert downtown, though I left after an hour, I was getting so claustrophobic, with all the people pushing in everywhere. These two black women sitting in lawnchairs right in front of me were getting really pissed off at people trying to cut across areas where people were sitting and force their way between their lawnchairs, so every time someone was coming their way and looking to do that, they'd both get up, throw their asses together to block the way of the person, and then they'd both get in their face and be like, "There ain't no way you're getting through here!" Then, after the person would turn back, they'd turn back around and high five each other and be like, "Teamwork!", and then they'd sit back down, except for when they'd get up on their chairs to hold out one or both of their hands and sway and dance and sing along to Stevie.

They did this to non-black people without children, mostly, and especially Asians.

Also, at one point someone got back in their face and was yelling at them and a Security guy came over, and the one black woman with the huge apple-bottom ass and ponytail and big dangly gold earrings was like, "Security security, you better put a gate right here," and she pointed to the space between her and her friend's lawnchairs, and she said this shit in a tone of voice mocking the person who was yelling for Security.


JUSIPER said...

What did Stevie sing? I can't believe you left early.

el blogador said...

Nothing I knew.

The place was way too crowded, and people kept pouring in, so I didn't want to find myself in the middle of an unruly crowd getting crushed.

Plus, I had shit to do and it was hot out.

JUSIPER said...

Wow... Nothing at all that you knew??? Now I really want to know what he sang.