Sunday, March 16, 2008

Homeless person encounter (I of II): Underpass.

Like Friday when I walked into school, there was this black middle-aged homeless guy sitting under the underpass near me, rocking back and forth and screaming "fuck you" over and over and over. When I returned home later that evening -- I had met friends at the bar, and the one was telling me about the bake sale at her Episcopalian church last Sunday, where the cakes usually went over a couple hundred dollars -- two dozen Easter cupcakes with jelly beans on top and pastel frosting went for $400! -- and one cake, a sand castle made out of rice krispie treats with a large fruit roll-up octopus draped over it, went for like $800! -- and when I walked under the underpass, I assumed the homeless person was gone since it was quiet and everything was still, only when I walked past this pillar, he was on the other side, and as I was walking by not noticing him he shouted out "Parlez-vouz francais?!?!?!" at me and made me jump.

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