Sunday, August 12, 2007

My nemesis is everywhere.

My nemesis is everywhere lately. Like a month ago before vacation she and gangly-pud boyfriend walked into the theater I was at to see Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, but by the time I got up and left the theater they had already exited and hadn't seen me at all. The other night she was at the bar the other night and gave me the nastiest look ever. This morning she and her gangly-pud boyfriend were outside at the bakery where I usually read the paper, she in her usual scowl and dark top, smoking up a storm and hogging the Sunday New York Times. I was debating going up to ask for a section and texted some friends about whether I should do it, and while one texted back "Hell yes!", the other one texted back "Only if u want yo ass kicked." I decided against it, since I couldn't see if it was the bakery's copy or not -- they usually write the store name across each section in black magic marker, but I couldn't tell if their sections they had had that on it -- and I had to go take a piss anyways, and since the store doesn't have a public restroom it seemed like an opportune time to leave.

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