Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Some odd customers at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now…

…all on this one day this summer when people were behaving oddly:

1) A (white?) woman who calls up and asks very specific questions about our vegan options and then on how to input her special requests through some third-party delivery app vendor, and I say that I’m not sure since I don’t know the interface and that if she has those requests it might be easier to just skip the app and order directly from us, but she says no, she has a coupon for $5 off from them, and she wants to use it (i.e., not only is the third-party delivery app hemorrhaging money from the restaurant, but this specific customer is calling up and using stafftime on top of that, all so she can save $5).

2) A(n autism spectrum?) (late middle-aged) (white) woman with two (late high school age) (nerd) children, who as they sit down I ask if they want to put in any appetizer order right this second while I’m there because they’re super hungry (i.e. my usual spiel), and she says “No!” exactly at the same time as her daughter says an appetizer that she’d like, and later when that same daughter wants something where we’re out of this one noodle specific to that dish and so the kitchen tells me to go ask if she wants a different noodle or a different dish, the mom asks me which noodle alternative is “more substantial,” and the daughter orders one different noodle type, but then two minutes later the mom comes back and says that now her daughter wants the other one, she looked at pictures online and now she wants the other one.

3) A (younger) (white?) guy on the phone calls and says that he wants curry for delivery and I see on the computer screen when I pull up his info that he lives on the far side of the adjoining town, and when I tell him the delivery fee ($5.50), he says that’s high, and then he says he’ll put in the order and see what it all costs and then decide if he'll have delivery then because otherwise he’ll come pick it up, and I say that’s hard to do with the way the software is set up and we’d have to cancel everything out and reenter, so then he orders the curry and has me input extra beef ($2), but then when he hears the total for delivery, he says to take off the extra beef (i.e., to save the $2, since I guess he doesn’t have that money to spend, although he does have the money for a higher-priced food item and delivery on top of that).

4) A (tall) (middle-aged) (white) (gay?) guy there with a “heart sister” friend is just starting to eat an appetizer and so I come by to make sure it tastes all right and is cooked all right – the owners ask us to do that after every item, so we can fix it or replace it or supplement it right away if anything’s wrong – and he’s like, inadvertently bitchily, “I’ve just had a few bites.”

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