Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Another life derailment.

Turns out that the (European) country where I could maybe get a(n EU) passport in 2-3 years from the time of application is having huge processing delays because of an uptick in applications what with the international situations that have been going on, which also has made them need to go over applications with a fine-tooth comb.

Like, as of this spring, my lawyer said that they’d most recently processed applications from 2019, and he wasn’t sure when they’d be getting around to mine, and he’s stopped even taking these cases, that's how much has changed.


For a while now, my default plan (daydream?) had been maybe to go f*ck off abroad if nothing developed that would tie me here (illness with parents, career or relationship development), since, to my mind, if I’m f*cking off by being a waiter, why not have an adventure and go do it internationally.

But, just as with so many career sectors that I've been involved in, that long-term planning has also gone awry.

Something else I didn’t expect is for my ancient language research to be going so well, extending out my pressing projects into the near mid-term – something that’s good, of course, but that's also something that ties me to places with easy academic library access, since you just don’t have the great range of state libraries there like you do in the U.S., even apart from questions of how you gain access to those there.

All in all, it’s really like I’ve given up the ability to have any sort of successful long-term planning about my life.

Most everything I throw down with as a possibility just evaporates while I'm in the midst of it.

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