Monday, August 26, 2024

A restaurant pleasure…

…at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now:

My one (chubby) (Thai) coworker gets this special (Thai) vegetable from the local’s farmer’s market – morning glory vine, she says! – and she has the (older) (Chinese-Thai) cook cook it up for us in a special and deceptively simple stirfry, with chicken, and it’s delicious.

. . .

(Later I tell the [older] [Lao] woman at the farmer’s market that my [Thai] coworker bought some delicious vegetables from her – “Really?”, she’s like – and then she says she doesn’t know who that is, but maybe she knows her face, and when I later tell this to my one [chubby] [Thai] coworker, she makes a small grimace and is like, “She knows me.”)

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