Sunday, January 14, 2024

Puzzle drama (2 of 3): Crackdown.

One night when we were doing puzzles at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, the one (husband) owner came in, saw us crowded around the magazine on the back counter, and yelled something in (Thai) at my one (older) (Thai) coworker who’s a whiz at the phones, and we quickly tucked the magazine away, and he said to wipe everything down, even though it already had been, and to check on customers, which we already had, though 2 of the 4 tables out there were waiting for food and the other 2 only *looked* like they needed help, since they had already paid up and had full waters and everything and were just lingering and talking after their meal and really didn’t need any attention at all, except for maybe occasional water.

And then, the next time I go into work, there on the counter is this long 22-point list, saying all the things that you should do each shift before you look at your phone (no mention of doing puzzles), all of it really, really basic sh*t, like “Make sure there’s enough small plates” and sh*t like that, which if we weren’t already doing, the restaurant couldn’t function at all.

And, my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker is standing there – she had led me to it, to show me – and amid several flower-and-vine doodles that she had drawn around the edges, she points to the bottom, where she had added a 23rd point, which said:


She also told me that that afternoon her and our (new) (tall) (Thai) coworker were doing all of that listed stuff, only SLOOOOOOOWW, to fill the time, since sometimes it really is truly dead at the restaurant and there's nothing to do.

Later, when she had to go get something from the basement, too, I told her that she was only doing that, so she could go do puzzles there.

. . .

(Overall, I made a lot of jokes like that…  On the whole, though, as far as workplace drama goes, I’d vastly prefer this type of drama, to what I’ve seen in eldercare and universities.)

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