Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Work faux pas with a very large group of (South Asian-American) (undergrad)-types…

…at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, who are getting their dessert of several plates of mango and sticky rice, and for whom I pre-bus a pot of chili flakes that they had been using for their entrees as I make the comment:

“Here let me get this, unless you want chili on your mango, Mexican-style!”

(Later as I do stuff with their separate checks, I hear them refer to someone as “Pedro,” at which point I notice that this one [fattish] [poorly-shaven] [brown] guy to who they’re talking is a slightly different type of [brown], and suddenly I’m like, “Oh fuck,” and then when I go check the names on their credit cards for all of their separate checks and it’s all ANANDRA PRAVOOBHAPATTI and sh*t like that, I do see one that’s different, and it’s something like PEDRO RODRIGUEZ, and then I realize, oh yes, there was a stealth [Mexican?] among them, when I made that comment.)

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