Sunday, September 18, 2022

Monkey pox vaccine day (1 of 3): Administration.

So, like three weeks ago or so I went down to the county health department to get a monkey pox vaccine.

The (early 40s) (large) (very black) nurse with medium length curls almost reaching to her shoulders had an accent and so I asked her what languages she speaks -- I always say that I study linguistics and that I like to find out what languages people speak -- and it turns out that she's from Central Africa from a country where there's some languages from the one language family that I do work in, but she speaks stuff from a different language family that's set up in that country.

 And, I asked her if she could say a few words in her language, like "Nice to meet you" or "Good afternoon" or whatever, and she did.

Anyhow, before she gave me the shot, she started listing off all the possible side effects, and when she paused, I was like, "...and some people start to grow a tail," and at that she looked at me and just started laughing, and then she was like, "Oh, you should have seen the first Covid vaccine, some people turn into cows, into horses, into everything."

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