Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Avocado seed experiment.

For some reason, although it has shitty produce overall, the one grocery store in the college town that I now live in always has good sales on avocados, so I've been finding myself buying a lot of them every now and then, to have on sourdough toast in the morning with slivers of raw onion and a lot of salt.

And, I've been saving the seeds, and I have a couple that I'm trying to sprout in a glass of water, and the rest are just sitting out in this big bowl on my counter.

They were getting kind of dried out and cracked-looking, and one or two of them looked a bit moldy, so I decided to just put them in the soil out by my back patio, and I lovingly set them in this like bare patch of soil by a corner of the front house, where they half-poked out of the ground some, their big bottoms just resting in the earth.

The next day, they were gone, and the soil around there looked suspiciously turned up, and there was like a little fragment of an outer husk like right there, too.

I guess the squirrels got them?

I also guess that avocado seeds aren't poisonous to squirrels, because otherwise I'd have seen them dropping out of the trees.

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