Wednesday, May 25, 2022

A moment in the culture wars.

A number of weeks ago at the one retirement village where I now work, this one (scrawny) (older) (white) guy was saying that he was so worried, since guns are starting to be brought into the local high school in town, and his grandchildren go there.

So, I sympathized, and he said he didn't know what was happening, and I said that I'd been reading a lot since I was also concerned about crime being up everywhere, and that whenever gun sales go up, some leach out onto the black market, and there was a lot of guns being sold during the "chaos" when Trump was president (I said that very carefully), and those are now coming out all across the U.S., this one professor who was in the paper's research had said.

"Yeah?", he was like, hardening up suddenly. "I'd like to see what political affiliation that professor has!"

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