Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Bartender comment (3 of 3): Former job.

Also also when I was back at the brewery, the one young bartender girl was talking about how customers could be super weird back when she used to work in videogame chainstore retail.

"But I didn't have it as bad as my boss," she was like.  "She was Japanese, hot, and worked at GameStop."

She also said that there was one guy who used to come in right before close and browse but never buy anything, and they all called him "White Trash Samurai," and that there was this other guy who when she was changing over jobs, she mentioned that she was starting to be a bartender, and he showed up at the exact time that she started on her first day and then he was just there walking around the room without coming up to buy anything, and her manager pulled her aside and was like, "What the f*ck is this?", and then her manager had her go stay in the back while she went out to go talk to the guy, and then when she came out he was gone, and he's never come back again.

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