Monday, March 28, 2022

Bartender comment (1 of 3): Neighboring town.

So, after the omicron wave subsided, I went back to the local brewery to have a couple beers if it was empty and to study for my upcoming healthcare licensing exam, and the one bartender that I knew was there, the (young) (broad-faced) (white) girl, only this time she wasn't wearing a flannel shirt and a knit cap, but rather a Goth-ish black shirt and super super short black blue jean booty shorts that exposed just feet upon feet of her (skinny) (pale) thighs.

We chit-chatted about what was new, and I said that I was going to be going to a neighboring town that I've heard has high crime levels to take my state licensing exam, and I was going to be staying downtown and maybe seeing a historic site and walking around and trying out a restaurant or something, and that I was wondering how safe that would be.

"I"m sure it's fine," she was like, "But I don't really know. I used to date someone from there, but we mostly hung out in the woods."

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