Thursday, September 16, 2021

So nice to be in an academic library again!

Since the pandemic started, academic library access went to all heck, and even as stuff has started opening back up again, members of the public have still tended to be excluded from being able to show up at an academic library and waltz in like they used to.

Only, a few weeks ago I went to go request an interlibrary loan book from the public library in the city like I usually have been doing nowadays, and when I went to WorldCat to locate the catalog reference and find a hyperlink to drop into my request, I saw that the book that I was looking for was held at a conveniently-located academic library whose access policies I hadn't checked lately.

And, I checked, and not only was the library open again, but it was also open to members of the public!

And, they had several related books to boot, besides the one that I particularly needed to check.

It was so nice; I just showed up and spent almost 2 hours there, and I found pretty much everything I needed. No need to request 1 book by ILL and wait almost like 3 weeks to get it.

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