Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Some random cat stuff:

1) A bit ago, my one assisted living client's (lesbian) sister's cat all of a sudden nipped me without breaking my skin when I was petting him, and then the (lesbian) sister pointed out that when his tale thumps, it's not a good sign (she calls it "thumpy tail").

A while later, I noticed that he starts getting really itsy right around when this is about to happen, but he's also purring, so it's not a negative thing, but more that he's getting excited and riled up, and so you have to break off whatever interaction you're doing and go and let him settle down a bit.

"That's right," my one assisted living client was like. "It's almost like he's a little kid."

2) Like a month ago, my one assisted living client had pulled the plastic out of a big empty tissue box and then given it as a toy to her (lesbian) sister's cat. Then, I realized you could put a cat treat in it, and it'd keep her sister's cat occupied forever, what with him trying to get the treat out of the tissue box by putting his paw into it, or knocking the box around and flipping it over until the treat flew out and he could get it.

Also, if you put it on this mini-rocking chair that they have, the chair would shift around, too, and so the cat would have to steady himself as he tried to figure out how to get the treat out of the box.

"You're like a cat enrichment expert," my one assisted living client was like to me.

3) After this, I went to go pick up the empty tissue box and set it up on another box in my client's living room, and suddenly out of nowhere my client's (lesbian) sister's cat jumps out from behind a curtain and onto the box next to the tissue box, and it honestly scared the f*ck out of me, it happened so quickly and so suddenly.

I assume that he thought that I was maybe putting another treat into the empty tissue box?

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