Thursday, June 17, 2021

A weird Saturday afternoon subway ride last month...


1) Trains were like every 15 minutes because of some trackwork up the line.

2) Many, many people were waiting on the platform, including a(n older) (black) couple where a woman was sitting down and the guy was dancing around and holding out a subway sandwich for her to eat, holding it right up to near her mouth and she nips out to get it, smiling and laughing all the while, but in a (crazy) way, since both of them have (crazy) eyes.

3) On the pretty crowded train, there's a (young) (black) guy with (crazy) eyes and his mask pulled down, half-talking and half-singing and saying you can't kill him, who a(n older) (short) (very dark-skinned black) lady in a public transportation agency uniform says "Please!" to and steps away from him, when he sways nearby to her and starts talking loudly to no-one in particular, but accidentally into her ear.

4) After I go stop by the library downtown, I'm waiting on another platform with many, many people waiting, and there's a (20-something?) (big) (slovenly) (fat) (black) guy in a dirty (white) t-shirt and dirty (very light grey) jogging pants, just standing there smoking, and then up the platform I pass a (young) (black) guy who's keeping a coat wrapped up and around his head, and who buys a cigarette and then lights it up, from this (older) (black) guy who goes like six feet away and starts dancing, though there's no music around and he doesn't have headphones on.

5) On the next and still pretty crowded train, a(n older) (Indian) woman is talking so loud on her phone in whatever language she speaks, so you can hear her halfway up the car, and then a(n older) (black) lady comes on for a few stops without a mask and starts talking to herself, though when she leaves I notice she has a red and blue and purple patterned light fabric scarf pulled up over half her face, and then later there's a (young) (black) woman just standing around and talking on her phone very loudly for like three or four minutes, and then later after that there's a(n older) (white) lady halfway up the car holding her phone out from her and talking so loudly that you can hear pretty much everything she's saying, about her sister in (Ohio) and fishsticks without that much meat in them.

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