Sunday, October 25, 2020

Coworker magazine prank.

So, a few months ago I had asked my one (Mexican) coworker who's extremely skeptical about everything if she wanted to take the issues of the one skeptic magazine that I had begun subscribing to this year, after I had gotten done reading them.

She said yes, so, for the very first issue when I had gotten done with it, I took a little piece of paper and wrote her name on it, and on the title page where it says -


The Magazine for Science & Reason

- I overlaid the phrase "Science & Reason" with the piece of paper with her name on it, so it looks like it says -


The Magazine for [name of my one (Mexican) coworker]

- and then I gave the magazine issue to her that way.

And, I covered it up with my thumb, and then when I flipped through the different articles to show them to her and she seemed interested, I gave it to her, and I told her something like, "Oh yeah, and I forgot, I noticed this," and I walked her through the title, and when I got to the subtitle I removed my thumb to show her her name.

She didn't seem either amused or not amused, but when I went to go peel off the piece of paper to go throw it away, she was like, "No, leave it," to me.

I wonder if she's going to show it like that to her husband.

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