Saturday, October 31, 2020

3 curries on one day, almost:

1) I reheat some leftover vegetable korma from the resthome, for a second round of breakfast after my usual lentils and toast that I've been having recently.

2) After a late afternoon and early evening of catching up with my one animation professor friend from the art school where I used to work, I get home and make up some jasmine rice and reheat the last of some pea-and-potato curry that I had pulled out of the freezer earlier that week.

3) That night, I make up a big pot of potato-and-cauliflower curry for the next week or so, only, I don't feel like eating any by the time that it's ready, so instead I have some cold potato slices from some leftover chicken and potatoes that I had gotten from a special treat meal that a kitchen manager at the resthome had bought for her staff and then distributed leftovers to everyone from.

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