Friday, October 30, 2020

An odd manifestation on my body.

The other week I removed a band-aid from under my right thigh, which I had put over a scratched-off patch of skin where I had scratched off a mosquito bite so that the itching and swelling would end instead of just going on and on like it always tends to do with me.

It had been on that spot for like a week or two, and I had never peeled it back or touched it at all.

The scab was over the size of a dime, and oddly flat, and it had the thin and crunchy consistency like if a Jolly Rancher had melted on a table and then gotten hard again, and it was only attached to the skin a little bit at one point, otherwise it was just kind of sticking out all flat like the big wing of a coffee table or something.

I had simply never seen anything like it before.

I'm guessing it formed because the place of the scab meant that juices from me oozed out in that scab place all day on and off when I was going around and walking, and that that somehow fed the scab into a different consistency and type than usual, though who really knows.

Sometimes life means that you have to live with mysteries.

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