Sunday, August 16, 2020

Two resthome coworker tidbits:

1) The other day, my one (Filipina) coworker called out to me in the hallway as I was about to go into one resident's room, and she reminded me to check the windows and maybe close them, since that particular resident likes to open his windows wide and a storm was coming in.

2) Last month, my one (Tibetan) coworker with an inappropriate sense of humor told me that she really likes this one commentator whose name she kept saying but whose name I didn't recognize, though she kept saying it like his name is a thing, and so she ended up pulling out her smartphone to show me, and it was some Facebook video by a (like early 20s) (know-it-all) (kind of church-y) (black) guy, saying that LeBron James wasn't thankful enough to be an American.

I think she was honestly into it, and maybe even assumed that the guy was a reference point in American culture.

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