Friday, August 21, 2020

Coworkers' political interests.

This week at the resthome, the one retired nurse said that she had been talking about the DNC with my one (edgy) (Ethiopian) coworker, and it turns out that she had made a point to watch Michelle Obama's speech, since she really likes her.

"She doesn't do much for me," the one retired nurse was like, "But then again, she doesn't have to. I found her speech a little bit like talking to a girlfriend. Perhaps it's something that black women enjoy."

Later that day, I found out from a (black) (middle-aged) private aide who works with the one retired professor that my one (cool) (Muslim) (Ethiopian) coworker had read Michelle Obama's memoir Becoming and had really enjoyed it.

She also said that the other day when she was leaving work, that the two of them were in the lobby at the same time, and she had realized that they were different people.

"But the one wears a veil, and the other doesn't," I was like.

"But they look so much alike!", she was like. "They said it was because they come from the same country."

She also gave me back the R. Kelly case book from the library that I had loaned her, and she said that she had read it twice.

"It's crazy to read everything and you remember so much of the stuff that was happening and where you were when it was happening," she was like. "Like they discussed the bootleg DVDs of the sex tape, and it was like, 'Oh yeah, I totally remember that, they were selling that on corners!'"

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