Sunday, June 7, 2020

Resthome food stories (4 of 4): Chicken.

Sometimes we have leftover chicken for staff dinner at the resthome on Fridays, and lately there's been some Popeye's chicken too for a treat.

In one case or the other, if I get a second after I'm done eating and I don't have to go rush off to go work right away, I go and tuck away my chicken bones to take home, so I can throw them in my scrap bin in my freezer and keep them to make some chicken broth later.

Right now I'm planning to bake up some cabbage and potatoes in my oven, in some chicken/vegetable broth that I'll make from the broth.

I'll bake it at a nice low temperature for a while, so I can use my Pyrex dishes that I have.

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