Friday, June 12, 2020

Looting (5 of 9): Grocery store giving in.

So, the looting made me give in with my trying not to go to grocery stores for as long as possible because of Covid, which I had begun on like March 11th.

I made it till June, and I still had some potato-pea curry that I had made up, and some frozen black beans and some frozen cabbage-tomato stuff to eat, as well as ingredients for another batch of pea soup, but basically since I had to go stay at the resthome and then my one assisted living client's with disabilities, I had to stop into a store and get some fruit for snacks and some stuff to eat, for while I was staying away from home every night.

That first morning, I was like, "Fuck it," and I got some cherry-chocolate ice cream that I ate out of the container for breakfast, as I sipped my coffee and read a book some while sitting out on the bit of lawn by the curb outside of the apartment building where my one assisted living client with disabilities lives, before I had to go in and start up my shift.

All in all, I made it almost like 12 weeks, which is pretty good, I think, though I'm sure I could have made it 12 solid weeks, and I might have even been able to make it like longer than 3 whole months, through like at least June 11th or so, like longer than the same date I went to the grocery store back in March.

It's quite something to go into my pantry, now, the few cans I had are pretty much used up, there's like almost no ramen or pasta there, two huge bags of rice are almost used up, there's like barely anything left at all.  It's quite impressive...  Part of me almost thinks I would have made a good (Mormon) stockpiler, keeping a lot of food and using it all from the bottom, so that you always have a lot of food on hand to keep in reserve, and none of it goes bad.

Also, I forgot, one of my prep things that I did before leaving my apartment was putting all my curry that I had made up into containers and freezing it, so it'd still be good to eat whenever I got back to my apartment.

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