Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Looting (2 of 9): Rooftop view.

The first night at the resthome, I was deciding whether to stay or not, and I checked the local police scanner on Twitter, and it was saying that a protest just south of us had gone long, and there was reports of a looting of a pawnshop.

So, I told my coworkers like ten minutes before we were about to go clock out, and we all headed up to the roof to see what was going on, me and two of my (Tibetan) coworkers (the one with an inappropriate sense of humor and the one who's older and blocky), and my one (Filipina) coworker and my one (Mexican) coworker.

So, we watched, and we could see police lights down a ways down a major street to the south of us, and a few police cars cruising up and down and doing U-ies by us, to keep a presence on the street over by the business strip near us.

My one (older and blocky) (Tibetan) coworker was already staying the night and so was my one (Filipina) coworker, but my one (Mexican) coworker lives walking distance from work, like right down the street that the police cruisers were going up and down on.

"That's it, I'm going," she was like after a few minutes, and turned and went to go to the elevator to go downstairs and go out.  "It will be fine."

"Are you sure?", I was like, "Maybe you should wait a little bit, let's wait and see what happens."

"No, it will be fine," she was like.
. . .

She really is such an imperturbable person.

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