Sunday, September 15, 2019

On the pharaohs.

The other week at the resthome, I was chitchatting with people about this one book I was reading on the history of ancient Egypt, and I really got into a conversation about it with the one (Bulgarian) private aide who's so nice and who it's always fun to talk with.

She is kind of fascinated by ancient Egypt, too, and I was saying that a lot of times the primary sources that we have are bad for understanding what actually was happening, since the pharoahs would just put up stereotypical inscriptions saying how bad the world was when they took over and now how everything is great since they've been in power and that there's been no one like them in history, etc. etc. etc., and though they all lived at different times and stuff, they all say pretty much the same thing... -

"All the pharaohs are Donald Trump!", the one (Bulgarian) private aide interrupted me and said, busting out laughing.

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