Saturday, September 14, 2019

A dream of hieroglyphics.

The other week, I dreamnt -

I'm in a bright but somewhat functional room like a cinderblock kindergarten classroom, but with white drywalled walls and wooden bookcases and those industrial tables with metal legs and like plastic tops, and there's high tall windows on the walls letting the early afternoon light in, and I'm at the edges of the city's (lesbian feminist) chorus, who are gathering in a circle around a purple and white quilt and are starting to sing some old familiar song of theirs, informally.

Someone next to me tells me that this is a song of theirs that they've sung for quite a long time and that they all know, and I as I look at the quilt, I can see it's got a very thin purple border and is full of purple hieroglyphics on a bright white linen, and as I look closer I can see the mouth and wave symbol making the Egyptian word for "name," and then besides that it's like a smartphone, and the person next to me tells me that they all know hieroglyphics, but they just don't use the old ones, they also add to them to so they can use them now.

. . .

(I told this dream to the sister of my one assisted living client with disabilities, and she quizzed me a lot on what I saw, since she's trying to figure out whether to quit or to stay in the [lesbian feminist] chorus that she's been a member of for years and years...  She says that it doesn't matter that I had the dream and not her since it's someone close to her, and she pulled out a divination guide and began looking up the particular hieroglyphics that I could remember seeing on the quilt, to see if those could provide clues and unlock what the dream might mean for her.)

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